I really despise solving competitive programming problems.

I truly believe it's okay to struggle with them and that people have different abilities. But these kind of problems are an easy way to make you hate yourself and think of yourself less.

I can't solve this problem --> I'm not a good programmer --> I'm not smart enough --> I'm not good enough like my peers who work at FA*G companies, ...

I know these interview problems are a filter and that recruiting is hard and the demand is always high and that they are nothing like the real work but, the reality is, you need to prepare if you want to get into one of the big companies with better perks and maybe better projects.

  • 2
    Faang companies are not good companies in the first place.
  • 1
    @iiii not necessarily true or false. It differs per company, team, project, ...
  • 0
    Man, you have problems with self-esteem. Unability to solve leetcode does not make you bad programmer, it just mean you are bad at solving tasks that are completely out of touch with reality.
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