
After writing in ES6 for awhile going back to write some ES5 code feels like going from a 2017 Mustang to a 1917 Model T

  • 2
    So you're going from a cheap plastic car to something well made but slow?
  • 2
    @fyroc more like going from having AC, remote start, traction control, ABS, TPMS, Heated Seats, Radio, Cruise control, and a normal control layout to something with wacky controls (look up how to drive a model t if you don't know) and very different handling with a lot fewer automated features.
  • 0
    @jeeper yes but all of those features can and will fail
  • 1
    @fyroc show me the code
  • 1
    I feel you OP, fukin IE..
  • 0
    @fyroc but we will have moved on long before they do. Those that haven't will know how to maintain those features
  • 1
    I felt like that going from meteor+react to php+jquery
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