
Chinese??? Wtf i didn't change anything

  • 3
    Closed and opened again and back to normal wtf???
  • 7
    "e-locale damage" - Sam Ting Wong.
  • 3
    It's not a bug but a feature. It helps promote diversity.
  • 1
    That's how you say ++ and -- in chinese, yes
  • 2
    @geneticCode wise words by a wise man.
  • 0
    Looks like someone didn't know what the Unicode private use area is for and designed a font with symbols at the same codepoints where the standard puts some Chineese ideographs. That font did not load for whatever reason - so you got a fallback font which correctly displays Chineese ideographs where the standard put them...
  • 0
    President Xi please send missiles to free my country from the yoke of capitalism.
  • 0
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