Me (new position): Hey, can I run this locally?

Other dev: No, it can only run through CI.

Me (exploring): Oh, I see. CI -> Docker -> Makefile -> Ansible -> Packer -> Terraform -> new EC2 image -> new EC2 host -> command.

Well fuck. That's not going to work locally.

  • 4
    Terraform at the latest is the point where you should be able to divert, that's literally what it's made for. Swap the EC2 provider for some other local resource and off you go
  • 0
    hope you brought your wooden sword to work today :D
  • 0
    Just have Packer build virtual box machine for local run?
  • 2
    I'm so, so happy to be down at the level where I can just update some code, test it and then send it live. Honestly think I've got as much reliability as anyone using the multi-stage processes, probably more.
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