Someone help me get a damn job so I can continue trashing millenial technological abortions and return to making code.. or something LOL

I'm finished mean mugging hulio and need to get on with life !

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    @domfoo tell them that !
    They seem to dedicate their lives to nothing !
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    "millenial technological abortions"

    i'm a bit afraid to ask, but.. please elaborate xD
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    @soull00t *grins* all the fadist crap that was a failure. like most early web technology for example :P which spawned tons of useless api and circumvented the development and elaboration on more stable precise things.

    or how about all these web apis.

    hell how about bullshit like sharepoint.

    team foundation server



    .. personally I hate Unity but I wouldn't include Unity since it seems like a decent game engine..

    most of the applications of neural networks, crap like angular js, ruby, ruby on rails, f#, asp.net (5 different blends !) and all the other CRAP which

    detracted from a smooth evolution of good tech and practices which sends us all always back to .net 4.5 and c/c++ libs, html 5 and css 4 and js lol
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    @soull00t god i wish these women weren't such garbage and these queer ass people didn't try to be slick with thick glasses and weird creepy crap meant to represent something other than what i'm looking at, and i hate that they combine things, and i hate their natures and I would really like it if someone would breed them so we could produce a decent generation and then gas the originals. sigh
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    @AvatarOfKaine nice.
    i'll extend the list with XAML, react and server-side JS... if i ever have to write a backend in JS, imma blow my brains out (and no, typescript doesn't make it significantly better)
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    @soull00t ts isn't terrible as an idea, and node js was written by nazi collaborators, I've only written one project in it thus far and had to completely redesign it to make it work properly.
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    @soull00t i really want to shoot this chomo asshole outside in his dick after stabbing his two friends to death with a buckknife, inserted handle deep into their necks.
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    @soull00t what do you think of that ? :) be honest :P like a little slickness in chomo blood to get it going ? LOL
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    @AvatarOfKaine i do understand why it exists, and a good friend of mine really loves node.js + typescript, it's his favorite language to work with. but not for me...if the compiler doesn't force me to e.g. create functions with proper parameter and return value types and allows me to do weird casts and comparisons, i start writing hacky, shitty code that is not nice to read or maintain (same problem for me in python, and yeah i know you can also work with type declarations there, but you don't need to).
    also, i don't like the syntax of oop concepts in JS...
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    @AvatarOfKaine uhhhhh that conversation derailed quickly. how did we get there?
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    @AvatarOfKaine okay i didn't even read your second answer until now... should hit the refresh button more often. still cannot make anything out of all that and i don't think i want to ^^'
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    @soull00t sorry I was watching three sex traffickers who keep reappearing in the same spot with a new kid every so often and thinking about killing them as I do each time as well as video recording them
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    @soull00t and then assuming you’re a bit on the violent side since someone told me you were lol trying to make it a positive thing and be a smart ass
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    @soull00t I fear the twisted angry nature from days past repeated exposure to this places me in is still echoing
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    @AvatarOfKaine oofff.... maybe, call the police? would that help?
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    @soull00t nope. i've consistently remade the same videos of the same people across multiple years and sent them to law enforcement, the children never age, the 'parents' do, and they do weird perverse things like take snapshots of their kids butts and post them, and they're still free and the cops do nothing.

    so nope.
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    best i could do is wait till my life isn't very valuable to me anymore, choose some of them and off their miserable asses
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    @soull00t actually its the piece of shit police in one area and another that taught me what to look for and then created some twisted melodrama that caused me significant trauma, and were actually involved in it, that resulted from contacting the police. other places they just ignore.
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    @AvatarOfKaine sorry to hear that, that sounds really awful. system is rigged... i don't know where you live, but i'd probably try to move somewhere else, away from this shitty place..
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    @soull00t oh its all over. its not an isolated thing. it was in my home town, state capitol, in towns i've lived in and every town i've traveled to, and the creatures running it all give up their whole lives to be garbage chattel just to proliferate their filth, they become not so much people just empty smirking shells devoid of human emotion and attributes, basically a collection of meatholes that rape and get a small fraction of what they deserve in response for those rapes.
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    @soull00t but I'd still like to believe they get caught and are snipped from doing more, but I kind of doubt it.

    after everything I saw in my lifetime.

    that maybe just maybe at an incredible sacrifice somewhere the world is being repopulated with sane moral people.
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    @soull00t I mean my parents were similar trash but I didn't know and I grew up with a scholarly mind, a fighters spirit and a sense of goodness, even if I have some of the ordinary human vices mixed in, at least they're ORDINARY ==>HUMAN<== VICES.
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    @soull00t repeat days like today make me understand him lol

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