Here is the question of the goddamn decade I've puzzled before and now I'm going to let someone else tell me what they think.

Is there a goddamn alternative to google maps that has landmarks and layers and roads and offline storage that works well on older phones (2014-2015 ish) that aren't goddamn iphone of mega-doom 600.00/piece !

because goddamn it maps crashes my phone !
and I'm sick of being reminded of shit people told me by researching it myself and being disappointed, anyone with a personal experience and recommemdation ??

  • 0
    You can use YandexMaps if you live in Russia or somewhere nearby 💹
  • 0
    @hinst I don't live in russia.
  • 1
    @theKarlisK osmand
  • 0
    Except reviews of places and streetview osmand should cover everything.
  • 0
    Is on all platforms btw
  • 0
    I second OSMand

    It did run very well on my old galaxy S5 till 2 years back. I uninstalled it bcause GPS broke and battery couldn't hold anything, so there wasn't much use for it anymore

    But the App itself was perfect
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