Start using this in my personal project https://foalts.org/ So far so good

  • 1
    Nice, I've looked for something like this a few times and found several half-baked attempts. I'm not a Web dev, I just wanna fuck around sometimes. Don't make me learn all this stuff 🧐
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    @atheist I was about start with express but then I want to try something new with typescript. First i thought nestjs would be nice but then I found foal which is wow
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    Damn I can’t remember anymore what was the deal with Foal. A year or maybe two ago I evaluated a bunch of node ts backend frameworks. Foal was among those that showed quite a bit of promise but I ended up ditching at some point. The state of my repo containing Foal code suggests I got quite far… I seem to have stumbled upon something really specific, that at least at the time just simply wasn’t supported by Foal. What it was, can’t remember…

    Why I evaluated them, I don’t know. Apart from poc I still hold my view that js/ts should be kept away from the backend. Maybe I allowed myself the chance to change my mind. Didn’t. Nest is is still my goto for super quick pocs, but no prod code shall ever be written in js/ts for be by me myself.
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