

I fucking hate my laziness, I really want to make something but I can't have a proper idea, I want to build a portfolio but I'm just stuck with basic knowledge of java that every keeps praising me because of it since their level is shit, like so fucking shit, I hate my classmates this uni the spirit they have, its just depressing on so many levels ! Fucking shit! Why can't I find any motivated people that want to improve generally and just get a good mark to pass the freaking tests!

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    @seeocon has good advice.

    I'm constantly in need of Android Java work, but am underfunded so do it all myself. Want an unpaid internship? Any Android experience?

    Also, do you use github? Or any online version control? You can grab some links to your best github repos one day and use those as portfolio fodder.

    Also, don't limit yourself to Java. Just, don't.
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    @plumbus I am not limiting myself to that as I know a bit of C and also study VHDL, I just want some motivation cuz I generally tend to be very lazy, and want to know more about the ones I'm learning now, before I learn something new
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    Dude i know how you feel
    It's exactly the same shit at my uni
    But lemme tell you this
    and this applies beyond just the scope of finding project mates

    You want to find people who are doing something meaningful and interesting woth their time right
    so you can do that stuff together
    Now here's the paradoxical part
    to find those motivational fun people
    you gota become that motivational fun person
    And when you, on your own, are capable of doing the things you love, only then will your path cross theirs.
    Either that or you're just leaving it to luck to find those people.

    Start becoming active in the right circles by attending whatever workshops and events are around you
    Join some forum
    Start your own project and set out to finish it.

    The same way you want to meet people who are motivating
    Motovating people want to meet other motovating people to
    So become the channge you want to see (ghandi said that i think)
    Don't expect to find them where everyone else usually hangs :P
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    @ronnymajani Well said mate. I couldn't agree more!
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    @ronnymajani you definetly are right men, i am trying every bit of it, but you know, i had to rant about it ! it helps !
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