I totally agree.
I still using WhatsApp just because some people I know don't want to switch 😥, anybody is in the same situation? Haha

  • 0
    Me agrees.
    But replace Whatsapp with Facebook messenger.
  • 2
    @bishalthapasht Oh, I stopped using Facebook a long time ago, but yeah, same rule can be applied there haha
  • 1
    I’ve got one friend in allo, class mates in fb messenger, another friend in telegram, 3 who only use viber. Messengers alone are taking up most of my memory and battery. Fuck my life.
  • 2
    @bishalthapasht wow, good luck with that, I also like allo, but nobody I know is using it haha
  • 0
    @NachoDevs why don't you just post a pic here? And welcome to devRant!
  • 1
    @redstonetehnik I tried but it wasn't letting me upload if I attached an image, even though in my first rant I had no problem uploading one (maybe to large? Dunno)

    And thanks!
  • 1
    Totally agree but since Telegram is still pretty bad for privacy, I'd replace that with Signal
  • 1
    @linuxxx Well, I have not tried signal, but sure it fits there two haha
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