Any android devs freelancing/working anywhere in Europe?can you post your hourly rate (before tax), years of experience and country where you worked on? I have 2 years exp as android dev and worked in france remotely for 20eur/hour but that was 2 year ago. Wondering how much I should charge nowadays if I have 3 years experience? I guess i should go for atleast 25 euro/hour?

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    @jespersh trolling or what?
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy I’d say depends on the project. If I was asked to do something that takes just a couple of hours I could be asking for something in the range of €100/h to make my time worthwhile. If I have something long term I won’t get that rate so asking for something much lower like €50/h.
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    @PappyHans im talking 6 months contract. With 2.5 years of experience I should ask 50 eur/hour? Sounds insane to me
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    It depends on the country. You can probably charge magnitude more in central europe compared to eastern part.
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    Holy sheet. I feel like I have been lowballed for years.
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy as @WildOrangutan said greatly depends on the county you’re in. My advice is to ask people in your country as rates will be different in Switzerland compared to Poland for example. That being said I have over 10 years of experience but I’ve seen crazy rates lately so won’t be surprised by anything
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    If you take 20€/h and you need to pay tax*, do you invoicing, deal with health insurance & social security you're already working at/below minimum wage.
    If you consider that you won't always have stable 40h/week billable (which you won't if you value your free time as you also spend time getting contracts/negotiating) it's better to file for unemployment.

    *You also pay tax as an employee but the company deals with the paperwork in that case.
    (That is my take for Germany)
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    I get ~31€/hour as an employer with 6 years of experience and I could get even more switching jobs (I'm working 80% and full remote so I'm happy in my current place).

    As a freelancer you get all the employer costs which are (in my country) about three times the hourly rate. So as a freelancer I'd ask at least 3*31€/h. But as I'd be carrying all the risk, I'd need to add sales margin to cover all the potential no-work-times (being sick, no project, vacation). Recommended margin would be at least 30%. So we're going at 3*31*1,3= 120,9€/h.

    You don't want to ask too little as you'll get all the shit jobs and some potential clients think you're too shady. But you also don't want to outprice yourself. So do a market research what's the average going on around you. Calculate the minimum what you need and don't go less than that but do not settle for that.
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