
okay just found the package "sl" on linux.

I mistyped ls and my shell told me well you can have this command with the package "sl".

Looked what the package does and well now i have it installed and everytime i mistype ls from now on a SL (Steam Locomotive) runs across my terminal.

  • 7
    the PCs in some of my uni labs had this reset state after logging off so all stuff you would download and install would be deleted after log off

    But the SL command was always there, so i cannot forget that train going choo choo on my terminal in the last 2 minutes when i was almost out of time to finish my assignment
  • 2
    @Drunkzee you can even have different colors, different trains and different train length.

    But i set the command line option to Ctrl-C out of it to just get a giggle but not needing to wait minutes
  • 7
    @jonas-w I had the feeling already, but now i am sure

    that the creators and maintainers of this package are doing this just to be sure each new generation gets its share of trolling
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