Do you stream something?

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    I streamed Control a couple of times on Twitch, but nobody watched.
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    @kamen keep going... Nobody watches my stream as well. But sometimes I feel, when nobody is watching , you are practicing for bigger audience in the future.
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    @johnmelodyme I feel like it's just kind of a niche game (probably because of the requirements and so on). If I look at viewer stats on Twitch, it has orders of magnitude less attention than mainstream games like Valorant, Overwatch and Fortnite.
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    @johnmelodyme what's your channel?
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    I only enjoy streaming for a lesser audience, like Discord channel. Because we don't stop chatting even if the stream ends, and everyone can be heard.

    I just have no ideas and resources for such a stream.
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    I stream events using kafka. Does it count?
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