I'm sorry.
Its so nice to encourage you all to grander things and provide the means by which you can achieve all your goals with ease.

I'm one of many brainless zombie twats that does what I'm told when someone stoops enough to tell me to do what any decent human being should and puts up with my worthless ass. :)

  • 0
    lappy:~/$ make sense

    make: *** No rule to make target 'sense'. Stop.
  • 0
    You're turning the card for a more positive side or is that sarcasm? :D
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    @Hazarth I don't know what you mean I'm a helpful and useful person who only means you the absolute best which I will provide without question or complaint so that you don't want to murder me obscenely along with all my cats and dogs and fake wife
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    @netikras I am making perfect sense. Don't you know how much I love you all ? Enough that I'd slit my own wrists all over again if you asked.me to !
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    @AvatarOfKaine Lovely, I totally believe you. Never would I ever though anything else! yay!
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