> Writing some code 😀
> Compile it
> 10 errors 😣😣
> Debugging mode on😎
> Write about 100 print statements to debug the code
> At last found errors and now remove those print statements😅
> Compile code
> 2 out of 30 test cases pass😤😤
> Exhausted and angry😡
> Silicon valley new episode arrives🎉
> Super excited after watching the episode and think like you too can code like Richard Henricks😎😎
> Coming back to the old code and build logic from scratch
> Compile and finally all test cases pass
> Task completed😂😂

  • 5
    Silicon Valley starting in next 2 hours and yes welcome to devRant. Since you a fan of Silicon Valley you will love this app.
  • 6
    In my opinion, if your code isn't compiling, then you are not 'debugging' to fix it. Compile errors have to be fixed anyway. If the code runs but not as expected, then it's called 'debugging'.

    Just my opinion, no offense.
  • 4
    Always run as you go. In complex programs the print statements to figure out what's wrong can only get you so far. You'll be too far down the rabbit hole
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