Whatsapp is really great but a Groups tab to separate one to one and group chats would be great. I just want to be able to not see red notification icon. I want to see it only when I specifically switch to groups tab.

  • 1
    On Telegram they already have the tabs feature since 2020 so I bet it will be implemented in WhatsApp not early than 2025.
  • 1
    Whatsapp is really great
  • 2
    @electrineer compared with SMS
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    @cafecortado man, I don't see those tabs in TG. Is there some setting to tweak?
  • 1
    @asgs They call them folders. Try selecting one or more chats and it should give you the "add to folder" in the action bar. There you can create a new one and add more chats to it.
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    @cafecortado no one I know uses telegram, so cant really switch :/
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    @dontbeevil everyone uses it in my environment therefore it is best for me. I only need one small feature from t, then it is perfect.
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    @dontbeevil dont be pedantic. It doesn’t lack anything I need.
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    @dontbeevil what part of “it is best for me” you don’t get it… you are even more annoying than stereotypical neckbeard.
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    am a bit late but thats in GBwhatsapp Pro since like forever.

    now yea its a mod and theres trust issue, but alex the guy behind it is russian so u know its legit. been using it for 3 years now and he regularly updates it so it always keeps working.

    major plus point is the ability to set amoled mode tho
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