
Why in the fucking world did I decide to manually use @media screen in CSS instead of Bootstrap, I'm down to 212px wide screen now just because I can't stand that SOMEBODY might have a bloody screen that size.

  • 3
    I think the same, but changing "@media" with "bootstrap" and "bootstrap" with "@media".
    Man, I can't use that thing!
  • 7
    If the screens that small they don't deserve to see it.
  • 1
    no one will have a screen below 320. go to 300 and leave it, 320 if its a pain.
  • 1
    At work we limit to 320.
  • 0
    @hax0r so we have a small scale... what would be the largest scale possible?
  • 1
    My 2c.

    Tip. Never relate breakpoints to screen size. its non scalable.

    Instead relate it to content. i.e. start small and as room becomes available add a breakpoint and rejig the page... as you increase res... add another etc etc. that way it will work on anything from low res mobiles to outdoor screens.
  • 1
    @tisaconundrum max 740 for us but I know others go up to 900.
  • 0
    @hax0r surely it depends on the site? the average screen size is supposedly 1024px in width therefore I usually make sites with a main container that starts at 1020px in width. 900px on a 1920px screen, which is also very common would just look odd imo.
  • 0
    @craig939393 Yeah I'm not sure why this is the current standard in our group. I'll ask my fed next time. Decisions were made b4 I started but I'm thinking we should change the rule.
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