
I was sleeping.....

May dad was feeding our newly furnished outer walls of our house with water....

I was unaware of what he was doing...

I dont know what exactly he was supposed to do....

But when I opened my eyes....

I saw a stream of water straight way coming from the window entering my cpu which was placed on a table exactly at the window....

I shouted out as loud as possible....

I was so lucky I previous night I turned it off shut off the switches cuz there was nothing to download....

I deassembled whole cpu kept it for 3 days to dry....

And bam it worked like a charm....

Saved my entire life....

  • 8
  • 13
    It was like a worst nightmare....
  • 26
    Readers sorry for some of my wrong sentence formations....

    I was high while typing.... Way too high....😀😀
  • 17
    Are you one of those people that refer to their computer as "CPU". I'd have no idea what else you're saying.
  • 3
    You shouldnt let it dry slowly, as it is in risk of Oxidating. Use a cold tairblower
  • 4
    @Florens I too was highly confused
  • 0
    @Florens i think pc comprises of a cabinet, monitor, etc etc

    I was supposed address only cabinet so i callee it cpu...
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun yes exactly
  • 2
    Whilst I lived in Spain I heard the computer to be called a CPU, I just call the box with all the expensive bits, the computer, the CPU is inside the computer
  • 3
    More important question though, is why was your dad watering the walls???? That is something ive never heard of before
  • 1
    @chrisalexthomas yes in india we usually call the same box as cpu...

    Nothing personal with cpu.... Its just what elders call n we got used to...
  • 1
    Yeah that's right, ive heard it called CPU by Indian people too, seems a common understanding
  • 2
    @chrisalexthomas wall was layered with cement and to make it firm we need to water it daily atleast for 2 weeks...
  • 1
    @jaydev I like your english. Can you tell me what you taking 😂😂😂
  • 0
    @error503 beer nothing else....
    Bt the thing is it affects me in many diff ways... 😂😂😂
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