
My job title on paper:
"Application developer"
How I'm introduced to interview candidates:
"Senior software engineer"

Does anyone else see a problem here? 🤔

  • 10
    time to ask for a raise?
  • 7
    Yup. Raise time.
    What? No raise? Ok then. CV update time it is.
    If you need me, I will be interviewing for other companies.
  • 2
    my "senior" by 10 years has the same position as me, with 5 months in. it's total bs, and they'll absolutely do it if you let them. that's why people say changing jobs is good.
  • 0
    The don't know the difference they're just upselling you. The clients are more than likely rubes
  • 0
    One place I worked while job costing was one of my duties I was called an estimator by my boss one day

    One man office mind you

    At another job I got called a software engineer

    Even I collaborated on project layout I never called myself engineer personally


    Same thing
    But he called me an engineer to people who had no idea

    It's just to make you seem.more impressive than you need to be so they feel confident in you
  • 1
    Agent Smith: "It Seems That You've Been Living Two Lives. One Of These Lives Has A Future, And One Of Them Does Not"
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme kill me
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine I would . But do you bleed?
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