Any ideas for a good machine learning Final Year Project ?

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    Interested about this topic myself
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    Something with weather, how bad can it go since right now we can't predict sh*t
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    A program to predict whether a qubit is in <0| and <1| or any state in between those, depending upon the physical attributes given by the user
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    @architect what have you got in mind ?
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    That i need to do a lot of reading before hand :D
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    @architect I mean if you haven't got any deep exp with ML Why not try something else ?
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    Because that is the thing i am most interested in and the thing i want to spend a year on
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    + i have to do research on physics not programming i have got enought xp (in my oppinion) in algorithms for machine learning
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    A nice idea could be some sort of music genre classification if you're interested in that spectrum?

    I'm submitting my thesis this Monday for my final year project.

    It classified martial art movements apart, and provided feedback (suggestions) to improve the individual's technique in the movement being performed.

    That used machine learning and neural networks along with the new Kinect so it was fun.
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    Classification or predictions?
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    @architect make something that predict a female response to anything you say. You would change the world.
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    It is a clever idea btw although not fit for a FYP i think :Dd
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    @viking8 @architect PLEASE!! 🙏🙏🙏😂😂
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    predict the forex currency pairs... At least with that when you are done with school you won't need a 8-5 job
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    A voice gender identifier should be cool. It will identify the gender of a given speech sample. It could be useful for voice recognition in public IoT devices.

    >Years in the future
    "Hey, I need 2 cans of Coke"
    "Sure, Ma'am. Pepsi or Coca Cola?"
    "Here you go"
    "*2, cans of Pepsi drops in a tray*
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    Create a video tagger which will show what was there in a video and at what instant. Google has done something similar, have a look at it. It's there maybe on their cloud platform.
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    Contribute to the baumhaus engine! 😂
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