
Have a question about company (startup) stocks.

I’m going to work in a startup and build a product I actually believe in. I’ll be vague, but it’s environment focused for profit platform. Anyways, I’ll be the first software engineer. They’ve just hired a CTO.

I loved talking with the CEO and he assured me that the stock options will definitely not be symbolic.

What can I expect? What’s too little or too much? I’ve never received stocks from any kind of company.

Excited though.

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    How do you even sell these stocks?
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    Saving this because I am in a similar situation
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    typically 10% is saved for all the early employees for stock options etc, also are you employed or cofounding?
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    @yehaaw Aren't they, so you get part of the yearly paid out margins and have decision power in the annual meetings (dont k ow the financial terms in english).
    No idea if you could sell them though
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    @yehaaw Then you will probably get some vesting plan where you get equity over time or something, as for selling, unless it is publicly listed you don't really sell like normal stocks. Private equity is not that easy to just randomly sell, you need to find a buyer yourself but typically if you want to exit, they would want to buy back your stocks, you'll simply have to talk with them, if you provide a lot of value you can try to get more equity(stocks)
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    @matt-jd Thanks for the input. I was thinking the same way.
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