Nothing like finding camelCase, php_case and DotNetCase variables all in the same file...

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    My coworker refuses to use camelCase only uses php_case, so to be a brat I make sure I make everything camelCase lol
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    Been trying to get some coding standards adopted where I currently work with no luck...I get to play the boss in new gig and thus coding standards shall be used to avoid that nonsense.
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    I have absolutely given up on striving for coherence, and have instead opted to minimize the amount of work I have to do between now and when it all falls apart and we have an inevitable rewrite
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    Be thankful.. You could be using string based enums like our python code, where the case, pluralization and spaces conventions all change repeatedly. And are different between keys and values 😒
  • 1
    I agree it's annoying. Honestly though, as long as people name things meaningfully for readability, I consider that a win.
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