I feel like the pendulum on js frameworks may be trending towards simplicity. I see lots of devs complaining about complicated frameworks. Maybe it will trend to less js loaded solutions and maybe a return to simpler pages.

I dunno, one can hope right?

I don't do web development, but I see a lot of people that do and they all sounds like chain smokers and alcoholics. Something has to give.

  • 4
    Eh. Probably not. But it helps.
  • 2
    Well. There is just good website design and bad design. Some dynamic Good sites require frameworks though.

    They should just get less bloated and increase the ease of the viewing experience
  • 1
    The general issue is that web tech is not sound engineering because that would involve asking "do I really need it" in the first place. That needs to change.
  • 1
    You got me.. I am a smoking, drinking, about-complexity complaining webdev. Empowers me to work on the simplest NodeJS static site generator with the least amount of client-side JS: *shameless plug*: https://metalsmith.io
  • 1
    Not really, no push for simplicity. If anything, the most popular frameworks today do a lot more than classic web frameworks. There is a trend towards output standardization - web components, HTML forms, etc - and there is a trend towards abstraction - Svelte for example analyses your code to figure out dependencies for reactivity.
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