
Today we had a yearly company photoshoot... Fucking hate it..
Anyhow, the guy walked around office to take pictures of us in 'action'. However as a precaution he couldn't take pictures of the source code... So I was like:

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    Cmatrix FTW! You would look like a real haxor ;)
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    What software is that
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    @DeveloperACE its sl and asciiquarium :3
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    sl (help help help)😄
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    next time get "hollywood" (the package) running
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    At first I was like "wtf man clean your screen" and then realised it was actually a wallpaper lol
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    Ah the train alias script to stop mistyping... sl! Choo choo
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    Lol ever since college I've been using alias sl='ls'
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    @atulmy oh yeah... I forgot my mouse dongle yesterday so I bought a new mouse.

    @dontPanic it isn't a screen saver :) I have two terminal windows open and run sl;sl;sl etc.. And the other terminal asciiquarium

    @qwertyboy thanks man! Love it

    @dragon21 indeed <3. Im also the only guy with Lenovo at the office, Dell is the preferred laptop here :/
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    Ugh. "In action."

    That's an X1 right? Killer workstation.
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    Lenovo y50?
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    @chzbgr yes y50-70 (FHD)
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    @Russian having overheating issues like me?
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    @chzbgr not at all? HDD got defect after a year though, replaced it with SSD. I work 8 hours atleast on the laptop and besides that used to game alot on it.

    There was some weird fan bug when I bought the machine, I fixed it by updating the bios, prehaps an idea?
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    @Russian do you know which version specifically? I update about 6moths ago but she keeps jumping over 90 after an hour or so
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    The y50-70 fhd really does the job!
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