Switch your tech stack or programming language or development framework to something that you enjoy more.
If it requires to switch the company, do it!
If it requires to learn something new and you think that you don‘t want to, then it‘s probably the wrong goal.

  • 5
    I'm still contemplating if I actually should. I like my team, but the stack sucks.
  • 4
    Trust me, if your team is likeable you are in a good place. A tech stack is just code, you do the best you can with it. If it's harder to use, but still serving in many commercial applications, upping your experience can pay off when you do eventually move on.
  • 3
    Sounds good.

    But please don't drag the team / other employees in this.

    Don't be the asshat that claims every meeting *lang XY I'm learning is so much better* without any plan to migrate to it.

    ... K thx bye
  • 0
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