Pure evil

  • 4
    Don't understand the Win 10 hate. Beats Win 7 by far, imo
  • 0
    I don't know either
    But I hate it since ot is doesn't work on my laptop 😂😂😂
    My laptop has all the requirements but my laptop model is not supported
    I once stayed till midnight awake till it reach 99% download then it gave me an error, I even Communicated microsoft and used remote software so they can see the problem, so they started the download again and I had to stay awake till 6 am just waiting, then again the error shows up at 99%, they waited couple of minutes then they told me that my laptop model wasn't supported
  • 1
    Even my Mac?? 😱
  • 0
    @bobotay Oh yeah, Mac can run windows just as well as a PC so I don't think having a Mac will exempt you.
  • 0
    I don't mind Windows 10 at all, I think the hate here is because heir being FORCED to update, and people always rebel against things when their forces even if they want to update they'll still rebel
  • 1
    I personally hate it because 1) it installed itself overnight without warning 2) automatically uninstalled a few applications we use that are quite old but ran fine on Windows 7 3) after every milestone update all my defaults are reverted back to Microsoft's bullshit basic apps 4) you cannot disable Windows Defender. That's just a few reasons. I could go on...
  • 0
    ... could be Vista
  • 0
    oh shit!
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