Ask me to build a backend system with AWS services, docker containers and ExpressJS/Laravel, I am down with that.

Ask me to move an image to the center of a div, I am tapping out.

  • 1
    As an iOS native developer, I love frontend.
    I totally see why you hate "frontend", though.
  • 1
    @Lensflare I have gone out of my way to not learn frontend even though I don't like it in the first place. Because one moment you're learning CSS the next thing you know, other devs are dumping their frontend issues onto you.
  • 1
    Yeah you need a better setup to move an image to the center of a div. Better go with GCP AI platform
  • 0
    @Sid2006 To be honest constrains like that work when you design a system but do not really apply to knowledge and more importantly knowledge gathering. If you are an engineer you can figure this out in minutes. You can also still have an understanding of how things work without actually engineering that thing. Knowing how things work help in collaboration and help you to create stuff that actually solves issues, as the issues lie outside all the genetic components mentioned.
    So keeping yourself dumb is just dumb...
  • 0
    thankfully there exists a website :

  • 1
    Honestly, just google it already...
  • 1
    CSS can be learned in an easy weekend if you:
    A) steer clear of preprocessors
    B) remember that you can add more than one class to an object. 'isBox isForm hasBlueBG' .
    C) use ID styles where it's a one-off, just applies to that object
    D) use the !important tag for utility classes - yep. So you can e.g. add 'redText' class and be sure to get red text
    E) Use a simple CSS/js framework, if that helps. Avoid any solution that you can't get comfortable with in 45 minutes.
    F) Especially, don't bother with anything that claims to help but actually makes things harder to do. Webpack and similar.
  • 3
    .div {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

    Fuck you and your aws
  • 0
  • 0
    Well, I'm impressed with AWS skills. Even if I can't imagine ever recommending AWS to anyone.
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