I've been slowly but surely writing the skeleton of a game on my Github.

Now to actually learn the basics of Github so I don't have to copy and paste my code every time there's an update....

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    I'm using the Github web client to make all the changes to the Github copy because I don't know how to use push/pull/commit.

    That was worded strangely, sorry about the confusion.
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    1. Download SourceTree
    2. Clone your repo
    a. Copy paste got URL
    b. Point to your project folder
    3. Pull to grab changes from repo
    4. Commit & push to submit changes to repo

    Those are the basic and simple functions of how to use git with sourcetree.
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    Maybe this'll help you get started...
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    Oh..and good luck for the game.. Hoping to see it in action soon.. 😊
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    One more things, maybe you know this already, if so please ignore this. 😊
    Github and Git are not the same. Github sorta runs on top of Git. You have to learn Git first.
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