Hello, I’m new to this community and I have a little trouble using all this.
Who could help me show me how it works here?

  • 10
    well.. first and foremost:
    this is not stackoverflow.

    otherwise it's faily easy:
    you be angry, you write text about angry

    stuff usually (but not necessarily) is dev related (hence the name lol)
  • 5
    Also make sure you select the appropriate category and don't use hashtags but instead place them comma separated in the tags field.

    Whalecum! 🐳
  • 4
    Is that the scent of fresh dev'ilish blood on the shores of devRantia I smell?

    🤪it be smellin good, now... where did I put my sacrificial robes?
  • 1
    Tags go in the tag row, separated by commas, and not prefixed by a hash. This is also written in the tag row. Memes go in the joke/meme category, which can be selected by clicking on the category name (Rant/Story by default but I can see you found Question). Shit memes copied from r/ProgrammerHumor go up yer ass, in case you ever think of posting them. That's all the important rules, really.

    Welcome to the platform, rant away!
  • 0
    hello, I'm also new here and so far I've just been overwhelmed by this stream of memes))
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