I have a side project which contains very simple data (a URL and a list of strings associated with that URL). I would like a way to automatically generate a webpage for each of those links (I believe the right term is template ?). Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this something like Next.js or Gatsby would be used for? I can provide more info if I’m not clear enough

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    Depends what your definition of page is.

    Template means usually that you have a html base page with variables that can be replaced - so static webpages.

    Tons of generators out there for that.
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    I think my definition of a page (for this project) is just a navbar with a header, and a sidebar. Potentially a search bar in the navbar but that’s a future feature.

    Judging from your comment, it seems like static site generators would be good for me to look at?
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    @IntrusionCM just checked out a popular one (Hugo) and it’s the exact concept I want, except it’s too powerful. It seems like it creates entire sites instead of pages. Seems like I’ll have to write my own which will be fun
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    @DeepHotel no experience in it, just what stuck in my brain from "the gossip mill"

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    @IntrusionCM hugo is really nice better than jeckyl IMO.
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    @kaki static site generator gets him going with no code at all. Seems a better deal that going nuts in modern front end madness
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    @kaki Hugo is download and go. Fairly easy and familiar concepts. Ready to use themes.
    Getting JS spewing out something somewhat similar is madness. If you need something simple you don't need a bloody js framework/transpiler. This is a huge learning curve.

    Also static site generation is always the best solution until you need something more dynamic in the backend.
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