
The alternative.io to WebStorm

Ladies and gentlemen!

  • 7
    Instead of Vim maybe Apple logo?
  • 2
    Those tags.
  • 2
    FINALLY 😂 I can't stress enough how stubborn it is to stick with those dinosaur applications. Even when I'm under Linux without a desktop environment and I need to edit files I try to use simpler editors like nano and micro
  • 1
    @horus & @Sasino97
    Glad it pulls some strings ="D
  • 1
    I admit I very much prefer nano for everyday use, but it never hurts to know vi/vim, because you never know if you'll be stuck in some shell without your favourite editor.
  • 1
    meh, i use it when i have to, sometimes it is the only thing installed on servers, nano is also nice tho

    real homies use ed
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