
Am I the only one who thinks Silicon Valley is extremely overrated? A ridiculously high cost of living, just for a start up? During start up phase, wouldn't conserving money be a better idea?

  • 5
    I started reading that and thought you were taking about the TV show, I was going to say yes.
  • 5
    @theImposter Nah the shows pretty good. At least if you've got a crude sense of humor (which i do).
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    @jhh2450 it's extremely expensive there, but you get one of the highest densities of risk capital, incubators, partners, highly qualified employees and so on.
    I've never been there, but as a founder from Germany some of the important numbers for startups are pretty impressive to me down there.
  • 0
    It kinda makes sense at the moment, since you pretty much get money poured at you just by having a startup at silicon valley. That bubble is gonna burst sooner or later
  • 0
    This is why I'm going back to Bangkok... 👍🏼
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