  • 10
    No. Programmers are problem solvers that solve things in creative ways. We're not artists.
  • 17
    Code is art.
  • 4
    @umnikos and you're clearly not a programmer, coder.
  • 2
    @Ashkin id say superior since code can also make actual art
  • 6
    For any work or activity in the world, it is considered art, if and only if

    1) it has high diversity of styles, methods and output

    2) the methods, styles or tools one uses in order to get certain output cannot be easily formulated, explained or understood

    3) Because of 1 and 2, one then intensely admires the "magic" how certain ways of doing things or certain combination of ideas can create outputs that are amazing, unexpected and thought-provoking.
  • 1
    By your definition music is not an art ? (2) You can totally explain how you got to an output with music theory, scales and rythm.
  • 6
    @ninjaintrouble "cannot be easily understood"...music theory definitely falls into this category.
  • 2
    I don't think programming is, but you can definitely treat it like that to do some amazing things. If anything, I'd say hacking is an art. Hacking is taking an object and saying "how can I make this more powerful, and of course, more dangerous." It truly does make you think creatively.
  • 1
    @psfr937 Then basically any job that features creating something is art in the eyes of someone who just doesn't understand what you've made.
  • 1
    @TheAnimatrix I guess I haven't seen enough spaghetti code haha.
  • 1
    I like how this "programmer" just looks at a picture of… rails or something.
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