
Deep learning java or c#

  • 3
    Try kotlin
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    Nope ,all i need is the algorithm !
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    @madcj Java then
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    Actualy do u have any idea about ai
  • 10
    What? The correct answer is Python. My thesis was in deep learning. So fun.
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    But python i think its not for societies
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    Python algs like CRBM and deep belief networks are on GitHub..

    What societies? Typo?
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    If you go the Java route, you can use the powerful tool, Weka for many things including visualization, classification, feature selection...

    And there is a library called DeepLearning4j that I hear is pretty good.
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    @Haxk20 we are talking about deep learning way not language or platform
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    ++ for Python. You will find quite a bit of tools and libraries there, also some of them are optimized with C++ already. For production, Java or C++.
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    Python mostly because of prototyping ease and community support for that specific topic. For example, Tensorflow (Google lib for ML and DNNs) has both Python and C++ frontends
  • 4
    @rrmhearts I agree with you! It's python no doubt!
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    Thanks to all for these good info
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    Wouldn't python be better?
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    I don't know much about deep learning, but I always thought that Python was the "de facto" standard.
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    To Everyone commenting python, he mentioned societies and I think he means it as in working somewhere where they'll most likely want their code to be unaccessible to end user, which is difficult to do efficiently in python (or so I read xD)
    In that regard it seems c++ with tenserflow would be the alternative (assuming most going the python way would use tenserflow) but if your choice is really limited to C# or Java then I can't say. Would have to do some research on the best performing apis available on each to see. Plus, maybe you could search for which is most used by companies/researchers using these languages, it might be a good start 😀
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