
Today, I Had this wild idea of doing a career 360 into cancer research after earning enough (money and suffering) to leave programming in some years. Can't tell how feasible that'll be, seeing as I have no degree in the field. But it's pretty surprising that none of the bright minds throughout history have given it their best shot without hacking it for good

  • 4
    Tinfoil thought: Cancer treatment is very lucrative in several ways. A cure wouldn’t be.
  • 2
    @Root the carnage is too great a casualty for relevant authorities to have kept a cure in hiding all these years
  • 1
    You're doing the right thing. A trans twink like me can code, but I can never do something meaningful for the medical research, the most noble and important field ever.
  • 13
    180 might get you in the right direction. 360 won't really change your course 🙈
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded that depends on if you do the 180 or 360 in place or if there is some movement involved also :)

    Sure on a flat plane you end up at the same spot, just different directions but on a sphere you an get back to the start in just 3 90 degree turns if you travel enough in between, and there are geometries where you need 5 90 degree turns to get back, so you need to keep an open mind to see all options :D
  • 1
    @Voxera haha true! I was thinking even more constrained. One axis, on the spot ;)
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