
Suck a cock or lick a vag. I am in rage mode.

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    @kiki everybody is cringe. I just let it out here. ;p
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    I hate everyone in this country
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    @AvatarOfKaine That's the spirit. Dump your bottled up anger. Most of the people are idiots.
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    Put this on a T shirt please
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    lets rage ooooooooooooooooooooooo im ragingggg oooooooooooooooooooooooo >:((((((((((((((((
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    @jassole on cue two jackasses around me coughed when I said I liked old books to myself decrying the lack of usefulness of the internet same people
    Fucking pod people
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    Oh and saw my first trying way too hard to appear to be a hooker lady at the bus center. Jesus.

    Walking around some repeat dirty fat ass so we know the kind of people who like everything dirty now

    Disgusting lard ass
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    @jassole well you know I'm thinking about how a whole generation sucked off and channeled the spirit of the worst members of my grandpa's and father's generation and made life far more stressful than it needed to be

    Half of them were eaten alive by it yet they persisted
    And them I'm thinking of the other chains of events where everything was beautiful for awhile things made sense things were organized people were healthy and I can't help but say wtf

    How are there so many empty spiritually and emotionally depleted mother fuckers that hone in on supposedly a person who is not happy with now and try to decide where a person should be based off completely acceptable and understandable reactions to what a ruinrd generation several actually are doing ?


    In Augusta Maine
    A long time ago I wandered there in less than an optimal situation
    I didn't know how messed up the locals were and they hid this.
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    @jassole so I lived as life let me at the time which was the time period these people are now mimicking but making trashy and unhappy

    In short I lived in a tent for awhile and found temporary labor and it wasn't terrible

    I could eat
    Clean myself
    And work as much as was available

    And none of this really weird awful crap I see was apparent

    There was a hidden layer of awful people of course

    There always was apparently in abundance but I saw it as just a chance to travel and see things and live other places and everything was fine

    I went back there recently and everything is trashed

    People are strange miserable and out in the open about how damaged they are and this is supposedly what they wanted. They wanted the right to live perverse predatory and often preyed upon lives. It will of course hit an upswing of course but I wonder what kind of messed up people need the other way. It wasn't like all the people were young and beautiful it was just normal. I don't get it.
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    @jassole why not just make everything function healthily as it should all the time with a lack of stress lack of strain a well designed system that gets everyone what they need so they can weather uncertain periods and assigns work money and labor and resources to keep everything in repair looking nice people fed and all the mild environmental characteristics making everyone feel better and not worry that everyone else is psycho?

    Why do things that invite pretty bad vigilante style punishment? See ?
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    I asked ChatGPT to turn your words into a poem. It's just .....

    "A generation lost, consumed by strife,

    Their spirit drained by those who brought them life.

    Though half were swallowed whole, they did persist,

    And for a time, their world was just, and bliss.

    But then, the emptiness set in,

    The soul, so drained, the heart, so thin.

    These motherfuckers, with their empty hearts,

    Deciding where we should be, tearing us apart.

    Why must we suffer for their mistakes,

    Their misguided choices, their selfish ways?

    Why must we bear the weight of their shame,

    As they lead us down a path of endless pain?

    But still we rise, with strength and grace,

    Determined to break free from this toxic place.

    We will not be defined by their mistakes,

    But forge our own path, with love and grace.

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    @jassole I doubt ai made that lol
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    @jassole however it is nice
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