
Why everytime when i come up with a new idea of app i found it already made

  • 0
    Can you name of em?
  • 0
    @Kro9k rubiks cube solver that uses camera to get the colors and then shows the solution
  • 1
    You should be glad you didn't make an app that had no fuckin sense in the first place.... What's the purpose of
    rubiks cube when you need "cheats" to solve that too
  • 0
    happens to me all the time :D
  • 6
    Some times it a good idea to make an app even if some one already did one.

    You could try to make a better one or try for another angle.

    If you never try do do something someone else already did you likely will get very little practice and also while doing a "copy" you have a chance to stumble upon a fresh idea.

    Many " unique" idea grew out of an existing idea.
  • 2
    story of my life 😩
    I'd still go ahead with it anyway though, sounds like a fun learning experience
  • 7
    Well... Yahoo does exists before Google.
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