
Fun fact: if your tweet contains the word “Mastodon”, it will be automatically marked as sensitive content.

  • 0
    Did you discover the leaked python code?
  • 7
    I want to live in a world where I don't have to wonder whether this sort of aggressive and inexcusable anticompetitive trick gets them sued.
  • 5
    Lmao “making Twitter more free speech” my ass
  • 3
    @phat-lasagna Free speech in the alt-right dictionary has always meant "I can say whatever I want and you have to stay here and listen".
  • 4
    I guess even alt-right is a dated category, what do we call the special kind of asshole who glorifies monopolies, predatory business tactics and hate speech as the pinnacles of efficiency, competition and freedom respectively?
  • 0
    Libertarian comes to mind but I'm not familiar with the complete meaning of the word.
  • 0
    @lorentz definitely not alt-right or libertarian. Political spectrums of increasing business power while restricting free speech is more authoritarian than right or left I would argue
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna Yeah but authoritarians usually have strong opinions as to who should have the power and preferred structures of governance to go with this opinion. Deifying capital itself is basically stating that the powerful should be empowered, explicitly without regard to who they are.
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna I'm trying to be descriptive, not prescriptive. Also by alt-right I mean nazi and not conservative, as the term was coined by Richard Spencer when he didn't want to be called a Nazi anymore.
  • 2
    Elon Musk was never an advocate of free speeches. Seeing how he fired everyone who talked back to him.
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    @lorentz your being prescriptive because your unable to view any other perspective other than your own
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna I don't think the political compass is any more objective than the claim that capital is a form of power itself, or that Richard Spencer was a Nazi and then renamed his ideology to alt-right with the explicitly, repeatedly stated purpose of unifying nearby right-wing movements.
  • 0
    I find the compass very limiting and unintuitive. It lumps very different movements together on all edges, and people with different perspectives tend to draw totally unrelated charts which don't even really preserve distances except between pronounced allies. A good classification should generally at least have people agree on the order of proximity of various real movements to a given ideal, even if they don't agree on where the line is.
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