I watched a movie and i forgot its name i hope if you can help find the name, the story is about a generation where a crime truth is revealed through brain, they fetch the latest event you have encountered which you have seen it's like a stored video inside the brain, the very last crime she committed was revealed from the eyes of a rat which she forgot to kill and she was caught, i believe it was a swedish or danmark movie which i watched on Netflix long time ago... anyone?

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    The Human Centipede
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    With a British Indian walking around with a tiny CRT TV? And a slow-moving pizza-delivery machine that hit someone?
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    @electrineer it's not the one, but thanks though
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    @netikras can you tell me the name of the movie so i can look it up
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    Black Mirror - Crocodile
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    @red-knot YEEEEEEEES thank youuu
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    @red-knot wouldn't have remembered :) Was scrolling through my Netflix history. There's no chance my eye would've caught Black Mirror as a possible target :D

    Good memory you've got there!
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    Spoiler alert
    @netikras, yeah the killing of a baby because it’s a potential murder witness. It stuck with me
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    @red-knot yes it was a sick event, she tried to cover up all her crime and she had to do it, but that hamster will reveal the truth, what a waste of souls and own dignity
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