Jesus fuckin' Christ. I own a webshop together with someone else. This guy is so fuckin' stupid. Yesterday I've deployed a release to our acceptance environment. I talked with him extensively about it. This morning I texted him to check out all the new stuff.

5 minutes later he texts.me back: I would suggest changing option x. Uuh... what option x? We don't have that any more.

Dude! What the fuck! We talked extensively about acceptance testing so you know it is in our acceptance environment, not production, asshole.

And then again, he asks for the link to the acceptance, which I gave him twice already.

Are you really that stupid??

  • 1
    You're right, this stinks. But look on the bright side, all of it is solvable.

    When you deploy use a copy of the current Database of production. And then let your buildserver write him an email with the link and what he has to do.
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