
I fucking hate how people think of me as their personal fucking tech support…

  • 1
    You need to differentiate between actual friends and leeches.
  • 2

    “What options have you tried?”

    “What did Google say?”

    “Did you read the error description that says exactly how to fix the problem? I suppose you did. I can’t think of any other solution “
  • 3
    Create a form like the one on Stack overflow: what is the problem?,
    What have you already tried?,
    Have you any lead to a solution ?, what do you expect from me?

    Most people will just be bored and leave you alone.
  • 1
    A neighbor of mine feels entitled to my help enough to call my dad (knowing that this would make my dad angry at me eventually pushing me to answer him) if I'm too tired or busy to answer him.
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