Switched jobs, new company uses svn. Coming from a git background.. Life is hard now.

  • 1
    We use SVN and we all work locally, I don't notice a big difference in terms of actual work flow. Some of the features gitlab gives would be nice though.
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    I also don't think there is a huge difference. Use Tortoise SVN if you are on Windows.
  • 4
    I've only used this sparingly, but a former co-worker swore by it. Essentially lets you use git commands with a svn repo
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    I know the feeling. Have to work with svn in this new project. I miss we flexibility, git gave me. Tried multiple times to set it up with git svn, but I didn't get the chance to do it right yet
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    Use git-svn. Pretty nice
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    @afreitas I used git-svn. It was great for things like merging and cherry picking
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    Same here, when I switched to a new job they had svn and I was like boss plz save my life. Luckily boss agreed to use gitlab as local instance then couple of months later he forced every one to move to bitbucket cloud. I had that moment of happyness to see the end of svn era 😃
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    i think you can use git top of svn
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