
I want a screenplay for the matrix, but it’s just about how Neo writes a shitty web app that not even the machines can debug.

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    Other characters are completely stressed out, but he’s helped by clients that keep throwing money at him.
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    He has dialogues where he makes up his own buzzwords for the anti-patterns that he’s using
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    The cloud is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy.
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    @Demolishun he would say that the cloud needs centralization, and should be made out of real servers
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    @tedge There is no cloud.
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    @Demolishun that’s a bit quixotic
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    @tedge as is computer science to some degree.
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    The machines should be desperately trying to rewrite the matrix in rust to stop neo from using all the buffer overflows in their inputs which were written in C.
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    it starts with "neo decided to try node.js"
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    @tedge other characters are stressed out, by the client, one Mr. Smith, keeps throwing money at him, and weirdly raising one eyebrow at him while using his last name constantly.
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