
Upon interview hiring i was given an excel sheet to fill how many years of experience i have working in X (X = technology). One of the things they asked was how many years of experience do i have working in npm, yarn, grunt, gulp, npm scripts... WTF?

  • 1
    How do you find the storage space for ur npm packages 🧐
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 bro is there even a valid reason to ask a developer how many years of experience he has working in npm/yarn? Who the fuck asks that? And who the fuck judges who to hire based on years of experience? I could have 20 years of experience and know fuck all
  • 1
    Why don't you just answer them, why you are complaining? I would be glad to answer if they ask how many time i had sex during a month.. i just don't care
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    Idk, looks like a normal question to me. If they asked how many years of xp I have with maven or gradle, it would not pop out in any way
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    @dIREsTRAITS i answered them but still had to ask this here
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    @netikras what am i supposed to do count the day when i start learning a technology and consider it as the number of years i have experience with it? That means jack shit
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    @b2plane yes, just like any other technology.
  • 2
    Yes, yes you are supposed to do that. Especially if you're a consultant as customers are gonna ask explicitly people with X months of experience in Y technology and if you got X-1, tough luck.
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    Just put it somewhere around at least 10 years, make sure the number of years varies so they don't become suspicious. ;)
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