
misshosting is the most incompetent hosting company I have ever dealt with

  • 7
    What's incompetent about it? Just wondering :).

    I've had this company which advertised as Node hosting thingy but the max execution time of node scripts was 700 seconds in a row so you'd have to restart your script every 700 seconds xD
  • 1
    @linuxxx wow that sounds bad
  • 1
    Well, where should I start?
    First of all, cPanel - worst shit ever. They rely on it.

    Second, when I ask them to do "abc" they do it sort of, when I ask them why the "abc" is not fixed on my account - they respons:
    "It is done, it is abb"
    Wtf, clearly said that I need ABC not ABB.

    I also have to teach them basic DNS, they do not know about CAA and LOC record. They do not read what I write and do shit that I dont want because they "thought I wanted it".
  • 0
    This time is was working on my Star Citizen organisations enviroment, they have choosen misshosting as DNS and registrar service without even consulting me.

    When it comes to requirements, I have my servers colocated and some virtual servers on Vultr.
  • 1
    Didnt you have a hosting company?
  • 0
    Where are your servers located? Pricing?
  • 0
    Thought about making a small website or something, but I don't even have a lot of time for it anyway, sometime in the future... Maybe
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