
Why the *fuck* did Facebook decide to nag users by constantly reminding them of how dumb and miserable they are by showing the old-ass posts from years and years ago?? I don't want to see some random shotpost i posted 5 years ago, i don't give a fuck!!
How the hell uses this anyway? Who on earth cares about his facebook image so much, that sharing this stuff is actually meaningful?

Maybe i'm missing a point, but again my facebook profile is just a wall of memes and vapid shit that i don't care about.
I'm starting to really fucking hate facebook in every way, too bad its the only real way to contact people here in scandinavia...
This country is full of applefags anyway, maybe i should just pack up and move to a country with a more sensible communication platform :D

  • 2
    Messenger is ok though, as a tool.
    Its still cancer by proxy, but good enough for the job
  • 1
    You just deactivate that. You just don't want that. I don't need that​.
  • 0
    Just deactivate it if you don't want it? Don't see the problem
  • 0
    I didn't know you could, how do you do that?
  • 0
    @Elendil "too bad it's the only way to contact people here"


    Do you not have phones, SMS and email there?

    Don't fall for the Facebook crap about "i hate Facebook but it's great for keeping in touch".

    I've never had a Facebook account and never will and I can keep in touch with friends and family all over the world just fine.

    I agree with your tag. Fuck Facebook.
  • 0
    @GigaMick have you Been to scandinavia?
  • 0
    @Gobbas yes, twice. Why?
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