
TIL, shopify plus has whopping 4 requests per second rate limit on their admin rest api's... I don't know how much we pay them but shopify plus pricing starts at $2000 monthly, for a fucking FOUR requests per SECOND.

  • 0
    they want to enforce graphql usage :/ i think default rest limit is 2/s with leaky bucket limiting.

    sadly graphql limits are not way higher like you would expect for that price tag.

    ps: take a look at what happens if your shop has more than 50k variations. Magic :-|
  • 2
    The statement about GraphQL is correct. It's rate limiting is better but not upto the mark that you should get for the price point.

    But it does allow you to make small sized requests which consume less points if used properly.

    Also you would need ur code to decide when it absolutely should make an API call. Use cache or save data in the db.
  • 0
    It’s insane. I don’t know why people don’t listen to me and stay the hell away from Shopify. The TCO is sky high once you need more than the basic plans offer. Shopify Plus is $24,000 a year?!?!? Hope your store is doing really well to cover all of that.
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