How many times do you mistype "git status" a day?

I will propose "git stauts" to be added as a valid command.

  • 0
    @csessh Yes, I will do that. I swear to God, that 3 out of 7 times I type somethig funky instead of status.
  • 5
    I've renamed my master branch in amster for convenience ;-)
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    I aliased it to "git s"
  • 1
    @tisaconundrum what if I mistype fuckthis?
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    I've just aliased it to gs. Also gca (commit -a) and gco (checkout).👍🏻
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    'git branche' is often a mistake i make (and i am not French at all..)
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    But things get critical if you use alias on one PC, but don't have them at an other => git us 😂
  • 1
    My most used git related aliases, l, s and d.

    alias l='git log --stat'
    alias s='git status'
    alias d='git diff'
  • 0
    I actually did add git stauts as an alias on my machine...I'm liking some of these other alias ideas even better though!
  • 1
    thanks to zsh never! basically it uses shortcuts, so instead of git status I instead type gss
    also the autocomplete is just amazing!
  • 0
    have to try this . Sound very cool
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