
is there really a difference among programmers, software developers and software engineers?

  • 0
    In broad terms not really
  • 0
    Depends on the branch of study I suppose. My degree says I'm a software engineer and because of the broad spectrum of development practices from code to project management and design. A computer studies student may have a slightly narrower field etc... The terms you use can describe anyone in the field thb
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    @willywos can't upvote you enough for that comment
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    There is a slight difference between programmers and software engineers: Programmers are responsible for translating someone's designs into code, while software engineers basically ensure everything is working properly.
  • 2
    @Nojil sorry but that statement about software engineers is totally inaccurate
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    It's a super generalized statement :) I don't expect it to fit every role
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    @Nojil there isn't a generalisation, software engineer has a specific meaning
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