I got let go recently. I’m pretty bummed out, I thought I was making progress, but I’m still far behind. Things that should be simple for me and I feel like a complete idiot. I’m trying to make a project for myself to get better with Frontend and some Backend. I just want to get better and learn, I hate feeling stupid when I program or code. I’m just so frustrated.

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    How long have you been a developer?
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    @sariel Almost a year, around 9 months.
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    What are you trying to learn? Some things are harder than others for someone pretty fresh to pick up, especially on front end.
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    It is ok. You will get better and find something nice
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    @spongessuck I am trying to get better at CSS logic. I did learn at my job since it was an internship, but I was still having issues. I did ask for help multiple times though, it was just I completely messed up a final project because I had to keep fixing the CSS. I felt like nothing I fixed or got help on fixing was enough because there was always issues with my CSS. I want to get better so I don’t make the same mistakes.
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    You're a youngin.

    Don't fret too much. Find your passion in development and dedicate yourself to it. Walk the line between dedication and obsession.

    Times are going to get rough soon though. Hang in there.
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    @asgs thank you :)
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    @sariel thank you for the advice! :)
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    @sariel will they get rough due to AI?
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    @Iggr oh no, that's at least a decade away.

    Manufactured economic shrinkage. Lots of layoffs already happening, lots more coming.
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