
God give me power to write 50K lines of code in a month with 0 bugs and all new features......

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    As you can see even God himself has failed to write enough lines of code to create this universe and existence free of evil, corruption, greed, criminals, demons, satanists, scammers, earthquakes, suicides, floods, hunger, poverty, tsunamis, volcanos, forest fires, natural disasters, killings, torture, terrorists, heartbreaks, grief, sins, depression, web3 people and plenty of more.

    All of those are bugs in this existence.

    What makes you think you would be better than the Creator Himself?
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    0 bugs that you have found
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    @b2plane God wrote the rules that govern particles and physics and said fuckit to the rest.
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    @iSwimInTheC but why... Neil degrasse tyson explained this phenomenon through philosophy where he said:

    If there is so much evil in this world, then that means God is either Not-All-Powerful; or Not-All-Good


    I can not stop thinking about that sentence...
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    @b2plane I opt for Not-all-powerful.
    Easy to make some simple rules. And then let things play out.

    If you ever build a particle simulation of a million particles, and just let things play out, ask yourself this, are you going to pay attention to every single particle and what that particle is doing? Nah man, you don't have the mental bandwidth to handle that, instead you just say fuck it and just enjoy the things that might be happening.
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    @b2plane We all know either there is no such thing as God or even if there is one, he doesn't give a shit, and it was always like this anyway.

    Reality is harsh, but it can be beautiful as you can paint your own reality and take choices what you do as the only control you have is over your own life.

    So why stress about things you can't control lol?

    If you believe in God: Think of it like this. God likes people who do interesting shit and make his own life better. God must sometime destroy to build something better. So chill and do shit as you never know as we eventually all die anyway.

    But doesn't mean I don't get to rant about shit on devrant xD
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    Why do you consider all those as bugs in existence? They all have a purpose. There's no bugs in the universe. If you can't think of a (good) purpose, doesn't mean it doesn't have one. Evilness exists because God allows it. On the other hand, it's fun but understandable that you think of God as a human being and think he'd be overwhelmed by his own creation, but He can't be understood nor comprehended completely by our minds.
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    @voodoo14 I think of God like a child playing with lego, sometimes it needs to be destroyed for something new to be rebuilt.

    It's just the way it is. So no point bitching and moaning about sufferings. You can only amuse the God by being exceptional, building shit. xD
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    It's not about "amusing" Him, not even about building anything (other than your spiritual life). It's not the destination but the journey. Like a finger pointing to the moon...
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    @voodoo14 God is open to interpretation. To each their own.
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    Evilness is a concept made by man.
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    @jassole that's what they say but in the end the truth is one and only one. You'll see.
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